London, 2024-04-23

Course in the management of hospitals and health institutions


The management of hospitals and health institutions is one of the most recognized disciplines in the world, especially in the developed country. Many of the countries have realized that health sector problems are linked to efficiency and quality in health management and can be dealt with by focusing on managing hospitals and health institutions in general. Health institutions as a result of technological development and an increase in the cost of health services, which increased the need to meet the requirements of people and improve the quality of services provided in a fair and equitable manner to all patients, For health services, and therefore . It was necessary to qualify a cadre of highly qualified personnel in the field of management through commitment to responsibility and ability to solve problems and ability to organize the work. In the other hand the full knowledge of medical matters and conduct is a basic matter when there are emergencies, both at the level of health center or Level of the region and the country as a whole.

 The British Academy for Training and Development provides a course in managing hospitals and health institutions, and operating health facilities efficiently, effectively and professionally, to every individual in the medical community qualified to be in hospital management and health institutions as a whole.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend?

  • Health Management Technicians.
  • Health Management specialists.
  • Health center directors.
  • Head of Department of Medical Administration.
  • Students and graduates of colleges and medical and health institutes.


How attendees will benefit?

  • The importance of specialization in health management.
  • How to work to achieve high levels of good health management.
  • How to develop health personnel and make progress in health management services.
  • The importance of implementing, analyzing and monitoring problems and negatives and using modern methods to reduce them.
  • Identify the unique characteristics of the healthcare sector.
  • The scientific and technological revolution that has taken place and its relation to the evolution of the concept of health management.
Course Content
  • The concept of hospital management and health institutions
  • Principles of Hospital Management.
  • Objectives of Hospital Management.
  • Rehabilitation steps for work in hospital management.
  • Health Finance Management.
  • Health Materials Management.
  • Human resources management.
  • Health Insurance Department.
  • Career positions within hospital management