

everal industrial institutions share common general characteristics that identifying the procedures of work injuries prevention among their staff and workers. In this regard, they work on providing fully specific information of the general company policy regarding the expected risks of the relevant tasks. The statement incorporates the estimated cost for every injury in addition to the expected profit from the procedures of work injuries prevention

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development presents this course including the following topics:

- Identifying and analyzing the potential risks and through quality-control of the equipment and machines. For example, vehicle brakes, trenches quality, procedures of gas protection resulting from brakes exhaust or procedures of protection to avoid falling from heights in an institution specializing in construction and development.

- Providing all kinds of medical care and first aid for emergency cases, and working on training the workers to conduct them where necessary.

-  Securing transportation for the injured workers to health care centers where it should be selected previously.

- Working on preparing and arranging for emergencies related to the serious risks, in addition to the case of the occurrence of fires or earthquakes or others.

-Recording and following all injuries that happened, with the aim of identifying the causes that led to their occurrence, along with increasing the capacity to prevent them in the future. In addition to conducting a comparison between the injuries rates from place to other and within different time periods.

-  Providing the complete information on all chemical or physical risks in work-sites, in addition to setting up educational and counseling programs for the workers. Moreover, providing courses and qualitative guidelines concerning the procedures of work injuries prevention.

-  Finally, it's necessary to work on establishing a unified system for security and safety in all institution sectors under contracts that have been executed with insurance and health care companies and the organizations in charge of quality-control of the procedures of work injuries prevention which are conducted in the relevant institution.

Course Content

Those were the most significant procedures of work injuries prevention, which shall be available to all institutions at their different specialization. In this regard, The British Academy for Training and Development provides many courses associated with security and occupational safety, including a course on Methods of Sensitive Premises Protection and Emergency Management, How to Prevent Fires and Advanced Fire-Fighting Techniques and other ones on the procedures of work injuries prevention.    

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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£3900 £3900
