

Health institutions are interested in total quality management for hospitals, because of the importance of these health institutions in the health of individuals and society as a whole, through the management is possible achieving a lot of benefits in domestic product, because of the reflecting of total quality management in the health institutions in the improvement of people’s health, thereby decreasing of patients and contributing to raise production, and therefore the capacity to give more to the society, generally the concept of the total quality management for hospitals is showing the public satisfaction provided service provided and all matters related to the clinical care in hospitals.

Objectives and target group

What are the total quality principles in hospital?

These principles are not different than the principles of the industrial institutions and organizations, by awarding priority to the client, and the permanent development of institutions, in addition to involvement of all in achieving the objectives of the institution, and about related to the total quality management in hospitals and the other health institutions, are based on:

  • Concentration on the patient and make it in the first place in the management of

The activities and in the systems in the hospital, and the pursuit by all possible means to please the patient.

  • Involvement all of employees, doctors, nurses, administrators and all of relevant employees in the hospital to improve the growth plans at the work. And forming effective groups to facilitate all potentials to achieve the growth.
  • Providing health services in hospital depend on statistical data, numbers and facts, without feeling and emotions, because evaluating the level of the total quality management is unpredictable, but depends on the information only.
  • Basing systems offer a level of performance, to the error rates will be zero.
  • Increasing the feeling of the loyalty and the belonging in the employees in the hospitals, and these depend on the attention to all psychological, financial and social aspects inside and outside of the hospital.

Course Content

So the importance of the total quality management lies in the capacity to keep up with technological and social changes, lies in satisfying the needs of clients or patients with the expectation of their future requirement, and lies in securing the services for them with fewer prices possible.

The British academy for developments and training offers training course advanced and professional in the total quality management in hospitals and health institutions, and that within the comprehensive framework to improve health care and safety in all administration and health centers.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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