
Human resources management course in hospitals


The management of human resources in the health sector and hospitals is a management philosophy based on the commitment of the senior management leaders to broadcast energy and credibility to the health workforce in various fields in order to implement the continuous improvement process within a broad strategy covering all establishments providing health services. In terms of quality in any aspect of the work from the identification of the needs of the staff and development and training to the development of talent from health service workers and the impact on the quality of health care and health services.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course on human resources management in hospitals and the development of its human resources for all those who want to improve their concept of the role of human management in medical centers.

Who should attend?

Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine who wish to pursue their studies in hospital management.

All qualified to manage a hospital or department management

Specialists in the management of human resources for health.

Interested health practitioners.

Graduates of Health Colleges.

How attendees will benefit?

Upon completion of the course, participants will have the following points:

  • The strategic economic motives that include the good use of resources, most importantly human resources through training programs and educational in the application of the scientific method to improve performance.
  • The Role of Senior Management The traditional approach is to issue orders and use official authority to force enforcement personnel to distinguish them from human resources management in removing obstacles, building trust and supporting the team.
  • The management of traditional human resources and the performance of business in an individualized and individual manner are simply implementers, distinguishing them from the management of modern quality human resources through teamwork and creative team members.
  • The role of the manager in planning, defining tasks, monitoring and binding, and his role in the management of modern quality in training, empowerment, facilities, motivation, disclosure and leadership.
  • Achieving productive efficiency of administrative organization through the development of human resources.
  • The responsibility of managing human resources fully on the achievement of quality working in a holistic sense that achieves the achievements of the procedures in addition to focus on the organizational culture

Course Content

Course Content:

Objectives of human resources management.

Principles and basics in human resources management.

Steps of Operations in Human Resources Management.

Mechanisms and procedures in human resources management.

Constraints and obstacles in Human Resource Management.

Evaluation and development in human resources management.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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