
Developing & Improving Internal Audit Efficiency


Internal audit offices do a lot of important work within the companies and set the working mechanism as a whole, starting from the existing administrative policy, through main sections and subsections and also workers and employees, and represents the performance of administrative control over them, leading to controlling quality of work and product and improves the company position continuously. In the last years, many additional concepts were added in internal audit fieldwork, which now include another tasks, the action of these concepts has been developed widely. Much progress has happened in order to determine and put uniform international standards for internal audit, the last updates of development and evolution happened in internal audit field will be raised through the Academy course.

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course of studying, development and evolution of internal audit system, this course is for everyone has the desire to understand and learn the latest updates happened in the internal audit world and its possible ways of development.

Objectives and target group

Target audience of attending a course of studying, development and evolution of internal audit system:

  • Managers and owners of governmental and private structures.
  • Managers of administrative review offices.
  • Managers of internal audit offices.
  • Managers of management development departments in the company.
  • All staff in control and administrative review field.
  • All staff in administrative and financial internal audit field.

How will the participants get benefit from attending a course of studying, development and evolution of internal audit system:

By the end of the course program, the participants will already have identified:

  • Internal audit concept and its working mechanism within the company.
  • How to develop mechanisms and activities of auditors and administrative reviewers in the company.
  • The new fields that were included in the working mechanism of the internal auditors of the company.
  • Mechanisms and means of follow up of instructions, recommendations and suggestions issued by the internal auditor in the company.
  • Developing the measurement mechanisms and controlling the administrative behavior and performance through internal audit offices.
  • Control self-assessment.

Course Content

  • Analyzing the economic activities of the organization, which were measured by accounting reports.
  • Control of all the organization sections and making sure that all the persons are doing their best.
  • Implementation and achievement of the objectives set for the administrative and production process of the company.
  • Contemporary and recent trend in developing the internal audit and control systems of the company.
  • International standards of work control of the internal auditors in the company.
  • Consolidated global standards to unite methods of internal audit.
  • Mechanisms of work development within audit and administrative review offices.    

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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