
Course of audit committees in the company and their importance


Company is a serial structured organization with subsidiary several sections, at which the successful administrative work is a result of reaping the benefits of good overall performance for all the company's departments, within each company there are competent offices and departments that sound the alarm to warn the company of the danger of getting into administrative or financial trouble. Financial audit committees, their role and the duties arising from their officials, are the axes and skills that will be raised within the Academy course, with emphasis on the major role played by the committees and how to collect and count the current financial transactions in the company and how to formulate them in the form of coordinated reports, by which the results of integrity of financial performance in the company are achieved easily.

The British Academy for Development and Training offers a course of audit committees in the company and their importance for everyone has the desire to learn how to perform work and duties arising from audit offices and committees in the company.

Objectives and target group

Target audience of attending the course of audit committees in the company and their importance:

  • Managers and owners of business, tourism and banking companies.
  • Managers and owners of governmental and private industrial enterprises.
  • Managers of accounting offices in companies.
  • Managers of internal audit offices in companies.
  • All staff in audit committees in companies.
  • All staff in committees of auditing final accounts of the company.

How will the participants get benefit from attending the course of audit committees in the company and their importance:

By the end of the course program, the participants will have already identified:

  • Broader understanding about the importance of the role played by ad hoc committees for the financial audit.
  • Detection methods of fraud and forgery that may happen in the company.
  • Ways of setting the company aside of being exposed to financial risks as a result of financial mismanagement.
  • How to obtain proven and accurate results by which the results of the company accounts can be trusted.
  • Duties arising from the financial audit field staff within companies.

Course Content

  • Skills of providing the company and senior management with accurate financial information.
  • Work skills within the financial committees of companies.
  • Work skills in financial internal audit offices in companies.
  • Skills of writing and drafting useful and accurate financial reports and delivering them to senior management.
  • Skills of formulating recommendations, suggestions and results of financial performance of the company.
  • Skill of disaggregation and refuting all financial transactions and statements issued by accounting offices and arranging and coordinating them in a way that is easy to return to.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
